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MAY 2023!! Make A Wish For Yourself This Month: Setting Intentions For A Fresh Start

Published on March 31, 2024

Hello everyone,
It’s the first day of May, and with it comes a fresh start and a chance to set new intentions for the month ahead.

So, I want to ask you: What is your wish for yourself this May? It could be anything – big or small, personal or professional, material or intangible. Maybe you want to focus on your mental health and start a daily meditation practice. Or perhaps you’re hoping to land a new job or promotion. Maybe you want to finally take that trip you’ve been dreaming of, or learn a new skill that’s been on your list for ages.


Whatever it is, take a moment to reflect on what you truly desire and make a wish for yourself this May. Write it down, say it out loud, or share it with someone you trust. Putting your wishes out into the universe is a powerful way to manifest them into reality.

Remember, your wish doesn’t have to be perfect or fully formed. It’s okay if it’s a work in progress, or if you’re not quite sure how to make it happen yet. The important thing is that you’re setting an intention and taking a step towards making it come true.

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